
0926p225Ally Pleuss gave birth to Shenanigan Soaps in March of 2014 while simultaneously pregnant with her second daughter, Audrey. There simply were not enough holidays during the course of a year to justify all of the handmade gifts Ally wanted to make for family members and friends, so she started a home business to carry the weight of her rapidly growing interests. Were it not for the support and encouragement of her husband, Jim, Shenanigan Soaps would be just another dream in the wind.

Now that Ally is chasing two small ones at home, her soaping endeavors have been placed on the back-burner. With the ebbs and flows of motherhood and military life, she will come out of soaping hibernation as she is able. For now, Shenanigan Soaps is in a delightful place of experimentation, design cultivation, and education for the sake of reaching future business goals.


  1. Ally,
    This is awesome! Let me know when you start selling and shipping. With three teenage girls we go through some serious soap, lotions, ect..

    1. Hey Tara! Thus far, I’ve been selling locally at the Farmer’s Market. I’m working on getting my products and prices posted to the blog so friends and family out of state can place orders. I’ll give everyone a heads up via FB once that information is up. Hope you all are well!

    1. Thanks, Andi! Writing and soaping seem to go hand in hand as a good outlet for me. Keeps me on my toes! I hope you’re one of the soapers participating in this month’s challenge. I’ll keep my out for you!

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